Social Media is dead. Long live Social Media.
Shalu Wasu | Oct 31, 2010
Social media is pervasive in our lives. Most people recognize the awesome power and ability of social media to spread ideas, connect with people, sell widgets and win elections.
Organizations are setting up ‘social media’ divisions and departments to understand what is happening and hopefully to sell more widgets. Training organizations and schools are launching courses and programs on social media. Advertising, PR and digital agencies are setting up practices, divisions and even companies specializing in providing social media solutions.
All of this is about to stop very soon. Social Media is dead. Social media is/ will become such an integrated part of everything that we do that the concept of treating ‘social media’ as a separate division / department/ company will make no sense.
What we need are better and faster ways of integrating social media into everything that we do rather than packing it off into separate silos.
The very term ‘social’ media makes sense only for those of us who grew up in an era when media was not social. The new generation growing up now has not really experienced media that is not social.
We do not need to create a social media strategy for our company, division, department, restaurant, or dog. All we need are ways to integrate social media into everything that we do.
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is that true??i think a lot of people are sharing their ideas on the internet through these sites..even though they are playing games and other stuff..the people who know whats the actual meaning of social medium is utilizing in a correct way..
according to my view..the people who use social medium are a combination of both fun loving people and the people for information sharing..these two groups are growing rapidly in numbers..some people who use website for sharing games for sum time for i dont think its the end of social media
in my view social media i.e the people using the social networks are increasing day by day..we cannot say entertainment is the only its no write to think social media is coming extinct in the view