Author Archive for Anil Bhatnagar
Anil Bhatnagar, CEO of Thrive!, is a corporate trainer, motivational speaker, career and personal growth coach, Reiki consultant, and an award winning author of four books. For more information, visit his website
There are three kinds of people. One, who are so deeply satisfied with themselves and sing glories of the virtue of contentment that they stop growing; two, who are so discontented that they see no point doing anything and three, who are so obsessed with speedy results that their impatience consumes them.
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What Happiness Means to Me! – Anil Bhatnagar
Happiness, to me, is when I have an ‘aha!!!’ experience—an insight about my own behaviour or about some well guarded subtle secret of life—even if it reveals a negative side of mine.
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Manifest your intentions with the power of words
Words are sound symbols that tend to represent standard concepts and images. In other words they are sounds with meanings. Every time you fail to follow through your words you deprive them of their meaning and reduce them to mere sounds. Unfortunately, this not only takes away power from your words but also from you, as your subconscious keeps getting evidence of their emptiness.
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Heal your self-esteem
One reason why a common man has difficulty in believing that he deserves or can achieve what he wants to is that his self-esteem is usually damaged. And the good news is that it can be revived. Every time we judge ourselves negatively and view every failure as a personal failure, we further damage our [...]
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Passion is your real wealth!
The electric current flows in proportion to the potential difference; the life current flows in proportion to the intensity with which we feel the gap between where we are and where we can be, or between what we are doing and what we are capable of doing/contributing. Beware: Achievements, success, and money can give you [...]
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Backpedaling to Blissful Life
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